Spring subtropical vegetable garden
Spring subtropical vegetable garden

7 September 2016
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Food gardening with children

Having an organic vegetable or herb garden and some fruit trees at your home is a wonderful avenue for engaging your fam

21 October 2016
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Rural residential organic gardening and urban farming tips

The lure of moving onto acreage gets to many people, I am one of them and have lived on 5 acres of rural residential lan

13 December 2016
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How is biodynamic gardening different to organic gardening

Comparing biodynamic gardening methods to organic gardening is a common question I deal with at our workshops. One of my

1 January 2017
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Spring organic gardening tips for your food garden

Spring organic gardening tips for southern hemisphere food gardeners. This is a time when nature begins to waken from it

13 January 2017
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Making compost from a compost bin in 2 months – made simple

Making compost is an essential part of an organic gardener's yearly activity.There are many ways to make compost and thi

20 January 2017
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Green manure crops – growing tips for your organic garden

Green manure crops are grown specifically for soil health in your organic garden, rather than grown to eat. This may see

27 January 2017
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Planting vegetable seeds – open pollinated, hybrid or GMO?

Planting vegetable seeds using open pollinated, hybrid or GMO seeds is an important question for food gardeners. Saving

3 February 2017
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Vegetable seedlings – tips on how to plant

Vegetable seedlings are the starting point for a healthy and productive organic garden, once you have your garden layout

17 February 2017
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Nematode control in your organic garden

Nematode control is a common challenge of organic gardeners. There are a large variety of nematodes that are helpful for

3 March 2017
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Organic garden build – Key design principles for a thriving food garden

Organic garden build is a process that is dependent on many factors and for DIY organic gardeners, its very easy to get

10 March 2017
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Climate change adaptation in the vegetable garden

Climate change adaptation is being forced upon food gardeners and farmers that grow in the open air. One could become ne

28 March 2017
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Controlling weeds organically in your vegetable garden

Controlling weeds organically is a concept that could transform a massively destructive herbicide industry. The “war o

30 March 2017
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Managing excess moisture in the vegetable garden

Managing excess moisture in the vegetable garden will be on the minds of most vegetable gardeners in eastern Australia n

10 April 2017
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Understanding soil in your organic and biodynamic garden

Understanding soil is the key task in a successful organic and biodynamic garden. How do you get a grip on the importanc

17 April 2017
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Managing soil ph levels in your organic garden

Managing soil ph levels in your vegetable garden can make a big contribution to its success. There are a number of ways

25 April 2017
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Organic garden design – Case study in urban agriculture

Organic garden design and build is always an interesting challenge. There are so many factors to consider with any organ

5 May 2017
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Growing marigolds and nasturtiums in your vegetable garden – essential for any organic garden

Growing marigolds and nasturtiums in your vegetable garden helps control insects, adds beauty and is a tasty and healthy

25 May 2017
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Low cost vegetable garden from your lawn – design tips

Low cost vegetable garden created from your lawn, if you have grass, is the easiest and most cost effective way to get s

23 June 2017
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Managing fruit trees with biodynamic methods in your organic orchard

Managing fruit trees is a task most backyard gardeners and hobby farmers take on. It can be very rewarding and it is als

3 August 2017
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Managing NPK in your organic garden or farm with living processes

Managing NPK is an obsession of industrialised agriculture which started over 100 years ago. This focus works with compl

16 August 2017
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Using planetary impacts in the vegetable garden

Using planetary impacts in the vegetable garden is a method of widening the system you work with to create greater produ

22 September 2017
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Four fold nature of the organic garden and urban farm

Four fold nature is a very helpful conceptual framework for looking at the make up of your organic garden or urban farm

30 November 2017
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Keeping backyard chickens in your vegetable garden space

Keeping backyard chickens around your food gardens is an important part of widening the living system that supports your

5 January 2018
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Making good compost – a biodynamic perspective for well balanced compost

Making good compost is a key goal of any serious organic gardener. I have found that biodynamic methods used to enhance

19 February 2018
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Biodynamic agriculture conference – 2018 at the Goetheanum – My reflections

The biodynamic agriculture conference for 2018, held at the Goetheanum, Switzerland, was a wonderful experience for me.

15 March 2018
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Farm individuality – new concepts of individuality for urban food growers

Farm individuality is an important principle in biodynamic food growing. Individuality can also be applied in urban food

28 June 2018
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Sheet mulching – Issues and alternatives

Sheet mulching is a common practice recommended in permaculture. It uses cardboard and paper to smother the earth from g

27 July 2018
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Vegetable garden paths – design considerations

Vegetable garden paths are essential in your food garden. If designed correctly, they make the space more functional, be

31 October 2018
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Inner gardening – food garden consciousness raising tips

Inner gardening is a pathway to improving your well being and one of the best places to start this journey is in your fo

23 November 2018
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Regenerative urban agriculture – translating principles into action

Regenerative urban agriculture works with regenerative agriculture principles within an urban and peri-urban context. Th

28 March 2019
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Urban agriculture – alternative ways of viewing economic aspects

Urban agriculture economic aspects are an evolving area of thought and practice where much innovation is occurring globa

6 April 2019
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Organic garden design principles – working with beauty, goodness and truth

Organic garden design principles tend to relate to physical aspects of the garden such as: layout, size, orientation, dr

12 April 2019
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Growing strawberries organically

Growing strawberries organically is one of my favourite activities in the food garden. Strawberries are a wonderfully nu

29 August 2019
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Biodynamic vs Organic

Biodynamic vs organic methods of food growing, is there a difference or are they pretty much different names for the sam

15 October 2019
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Self sufficiency from your vegetable and herb garden

Self sufficiency is a common question I get when people see my vegetable garden. They ask, do I need to buy any vegetabl

6 December 2019
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Urban farm plot at 12 months – high yields

Urban farm plot at 12 months has produced great results. I want to share the outcomes and reflections with you after it

19 February 2020
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Enhancing observation skills in your organic garden

Enhancing observation skills in your food growing spaces has a powerful effect on how productive and healthy your patch

14 August 2020
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Raised vegetable garden beds – advantages and disadvantages

Raised vegetable garden beds have long been used in agriculture as a method of enhancing productivity and managing food

4 September 2023
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Coach – organic and biodynamic garden

Introduction Coach for an organic and biodynamic garden. Our blog shares some insights from working with over 200 coach

9 April 2024
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How to Define a Biodynamic Garden To Create A Natural Paradise?

Sunshine and warm weather in Queensland are ideal for growing a colourful garden. But what if you could cultivate the ve

24 July 2024
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Vegetable garden plant vitality

Vegetable garden plant vitality is at the heart of all striving for a consistently productive and healthy food garden. Y

2 September 2024
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Spring subtropical vegetable garden

Spring subtropical vegetable garden is unique compared to more temperate climates. There is so much beauty in this trans